Sunday, March 31, 2013


During practices usually at the end of practice when we are all tired. Our coaches make us condition to make sure we are in the mind set of pushing through. We sometimes are a loud to pick out of certain workouts to do at the end of practice. On that day we picked to do countdowns. Countdowns start at 10. The team works their way down from their. We start with sprinting in place for ten seconds then ten up-downs. Next is ten pushups, then ten situps. While we do this we have a person in the middle who's the one who leads the countdowns. He makes sure everyone's doing the work, and we keep a good pace.

 On that day I was chosen to do the countdowns. I was really energetic I was going quickly paying little attention to the counting. I'm counting then I get to eight. I feel really tired when I get to eight which makes me start questioning how much energy I really have. So we're still at eight I'm super tired I finish eight finally. So I call out "We're on eight" then I hear someone reply
"WE'RE ON SIX YOU'VE DONE EIGHT THREE TIMES" I get really embarrassed.
I reply "Oh well then five more then lets go" we continue to finish, but from then on I made sure I was keeping the numbers right when we did countdowns.

Mundos head

During the early practices we teach the new wrestlers new moves. Everyone from the wrestling team was sitting around watching him teach the move. To help the coach when he was showing us the move he had picked me for his partner. I have a tendency to mess around when we show the moves to get a good laugh from the team. The coach that was showing the moves was bald, and I had tendency to make jokes off that. As he showed the move I went along giving all the necessary resistance he needed.

 We ended in a position of me behind his head. As I had a habit to do I pretended to lick his head and polish it, because well he's bald. As I do this the team laughs and unknown to me he turned around and saw me doing this. I finally notice he saw me doing this when he says "Are you trying to lick my head?" The expression on my face must have been priceless, because the entire team including the coach started to crack up.