Thursday, May 30, 2013

My weirdest match in wrestling was my freshman year in the last tournament of the year. I was in my thinrd match that day. I wrestling a kid who smelled terrible. He wasn't very good, but my coach had told me to extend the match to get experience.

By the second round I was done with this kid. I couldn't stand the stench that was ebbing off of him. He smelled like he had worked out for months straight then took sewage showers. I had to deal with this for 6 minutes now. I could feel the stench trying to cling with too my body. I started begging, pleading with my coach to let me end it, but he wouldn't let me.

Near the middle of the third period I was doing a standup, For some reason he thought the logical answer was too go in between my legs. I have no idea why he did this, but next while he is in between my legs HE then stands up. We ended up with me on top of his shoulders. I was looking down wondering why he was doing this and what could move I possibly do up there. The referee eventually did stop the match when he stopped laughing, but that was definitely my weirdest match.
Along with our many coaches we had one who was Asian. But not only was he Asian he had a British accent (let's call him Kho Kho puffs). The first time I met him it was preseason the day after the football season had ended. Some of the more devoted teammates and I had come in for conditioning. A friend on mine (Let's call him Jerald), and I walked into the wrestling room and talked to our coach a little then Kho Kho puffs came out.

The first thing Kho Kho puffs says was "look at those pants Jerald" in a heavy British accent "What are you doing in those pleather pants I'm surprised I didn't hear you squeaking in those with every step you took as you came in". By now I was laughing my...butt off.

My first reaction was "Wow that is a great British accent he has their". He continued to crack jokes, and everyone laughed I then thought "This fake accent business is getting a little old now don't you think" .Then we eventually started conditioning first we were outside the room with the head coach working on our shots.

After we worked outside for a bit we went back  inside the wrestling room to work on our take-downs and finishes. When we got in their it was again Kho Kho puffs the Asian coach with the fake British accent. He instructed us through some moves I eventually got frustrated with this fake accent of his. I went to our coach and asked why the new coach was faking this accent. He then informed me that it was actual accent and he grew up in England. I was shocked to say the least.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


During my Freshman year of wrestling we had a particularly angry kid who was on our team. He would always be late to practice or not show up all together. When he was there he would only work moderately hard. He had always back talked the coaches, and showed open disdain for them, and how they coached.

I don’t want to disclose his name so let’s call him Bill for now. Every year our team drives up to a tournament 3-4 hours away from us. At this tournament a lot of kids like to mess around we all had pretty easy competition there though not all people were bad as you would come to think. Bill had been matched with one of those “not as bad as you would come to think” guys.

Bill was not doing very well. In the first round the guy had started off taking him down. Our coaches were trying to help him get out by telling him to hit a stand up switch. Bill continually tried to hit this move, but was not performing it right. Our coaches were patient as the match went on telling him different moves tohelp get out.
Then the second round comes. By now his opponent was becoming cocky so he chose top. Bill again had trouble getting out. His opponent was just blocking all ways to get out. Our coaches are again trying to help him, but by now Bill is frustrated, and not listening. The coaches continued to try to help him. By now Bill has started yelling at the coaches. He was saying that the moves they were telling him are not working. Though it was Bill’s lack of form that was preventing him from hitting the move.  Near the end of the second round Bill was fed up with the coaches. Bill stands up with the other guy in tow. He goes over to the coaches and yells at them “SHUT THE &%#$ up you aren’t helping.” Now the coaches are done.

When the beginning of the third round starts the coaches get up, call over one of the moms that was at the tournament, and had her sit in the corner and coach in their place. The mom knew enough to help him a little, but Bills lack of form still got him beaten in the match.  This was not the last time Bill acted up like that, but it was the last time he said something to them like that on the wrestling mat.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


During practices usually at the end of practice when we are all tired. Our coaches make us condition to make sure we are in the mind set of pushing through. We sometimes are a loud to pick out of certain workouts to do at the end of practice. On that day we picked to do countdowns. Countdowns start at 10. The team works their way down from their. We start with sprinting in place for ten seconds then ten up-downs. Next is ten pushups, then ten situps. While we do this we have a person in the middle who's the one who leads the countdowns. He makes sure everyone's doing the work, and we keep a good pace.

 On that day I was chosen to do the countdowns. I was really energetic I was going quickly paying little attention to the counting. I'm counting then I get to eight. I feel really tired when I get to eight which makes me start questioning how much energy I really have. So we're still at eight I'm super tired I finish eight finally. So I call out "We're on eight" then I hear someone reply
"WE'RE ON SIX YOU'VE DONE EIGHT THREE TIMES" I get really embarrassed.
I reply "Oh well then five more then lets go" we continue to finish, but from then on I made sure I was keeping the numbers right when we did countdowns.

Mundos head

During the early practices we teach the new wrestlers new moves. Everyone from the wrestling team was sitting around watching him teach the move. To help the coach when he was showing us the move he had picked me for his partner. I have a tendency to mess around when we show the moves to get a good laugh from the team. The coach that was showing the moves was bald, and I had tendency to make jokes off that. As he showed the move I went along giving all the necessary resistance he needed.

 We ended in a position of me behind his head. As I had a habit to do I pretended to lick his head and polish it, because well he's bald. As I do this the team laughs and unknown to me he turned around and saw me doing this. I finally notice he saw me doing this when he says "Are you trying to lick my head?" The expression on my face must have been priceless, because the entire team including the coach started to crack up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


My last names Evans,
People say I'm a gift from the heavens
I’ve loved to dance,
Since before I was seven
Dancing not my only pride and joy
I’m told I’m a very talented boy
Along with dance I sing and beatbox
I’d like to add I have dread lock
I can even wrestle people out of their socks
and that's just me
If you don't like it then you may flee   

Image from

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chuck norris

My wrestling team, with the coaches and the wrestlers, have a lot of funny moments in the wrestling room that always give us of the team some laughs after. The verbal mix-ups or just silly things that go on in the room are usually easily remembered, and extremely funny. Sometimes we have "coaches" that come in to volunteer to help, and wrestle with the team. Those are usually where the really funny quotes come in from. So far in the years that I've wrestled my all time favorite has been; "My mom never came to any of my high school wrestling matches....THAT'S FIVE YEARS" That was a good quote from one of those volunteer coaches who we called Chuck Norris due to his last name of Norris.  Now we all know theirs only four years in high-school  we all have gotten quite a bit of a laugh out his little mess-up. He had been angry at the team and been giving the team a speech on how he was taking his time to come out and help us improve in wrestling. Somehow we veered him into the topic of him wrestling in high school. This then got him angry when we corrected him on his lack of knowledge that their is only in fact four years in high-school. This made him angry then he decided he was going to threaten to leave by saying "I DON'T HAVE TO BE AROUND HERE HELPING YOU I HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO" Us being the people we are informed him that we too had homework which he responded with "I HAVE COLLEGE HOMEWORK SO I'M PEACIN OUT!" He did actually leave after saying he was ""peacin out" which launched all of us into a fit of laughter. The good times in wrestling are always happening and there's many older ones and most likely more to come.